‎+34 626 450 286


Hey, you! Wanna become a team?

Are you a wedding planner, mariage officiant or event organizer? We have got you a perfect offer. You host your event, we assure the best location, accommodations and service for your event or group. The best of both worlds..


Let us know if you are interested in becoming a partner.

Schermafbeelding 2023 12 23 om 12.14.14 1
Parco 8 22 78 1 scaled

A boutique glamping resort

The real Parco Experience:

  • Indulged in nature


  • Being together & connectivity


  • Luxurious tiny houses


  • Local charme


  • Privacy & rest

I am so happy to work with Parco for my events!

I could really recommend working with Parco. The team is so flexible and willing to make the best out of the event together! Could wish for a more punctual and open-minded collaboration in Ibiza, where most companies have a relative tranquilo mentality, Parco is your perfect partner.